
the lord is my strength and my shield tattoo designs

Christianity is one of the most popular religions that we know of in today's world. It is that popular because it becomes one o the most important aspects of people's lives today. It reloves around everything they do and in whatever decision they make right from morning until they hit the sacks. The principal teaching of Christianity is to be kind right from attending church on Sundays and saying grace before meals to treating everyone with respect and love and following a code of conduct. This way, Christianity becomes snot a part of life but a way of living.

So, to have a constant reminder of what your religion preaches, nothing is better than having a Bible verse tattoo engraved on your skin. You can pick your favorite or most inspirational Biblical verse to make sure that God is always on his mercy.

While tattoos used to be a part of the alternative future, Christianity is almost not in favor of them. However, in the modern world, it is changing. As a result, even the Christians are having a fun time getting a tattoo to represent their beliefs. There are endless choices especially when it comes to getting tattoos. While Exodus and Corinthians seem to be the first choice for the Christians many probably fear John and Luke. You can also with the Rveealation or som eRoman Numbers. Another great idea is to throw in some of the verses that dictate against tattoos or body modifications for a bit of irony!

For you, if English seems to be too straightforward, you can also get the Greek text instead. Of course, Hebrew is also an alternative for those proud of their Jewish heritage. Mormon tattoos are also pleasant and desirable, although they are far less prevalent these days. You may not encounter God in the subsequent list of 170+ amazing Biblical Verse tattoos, but you will surely come across the next best thing: a brave sense of style!

What Exactly Does the Bible Say About Getting A Tattoo?

There are at least 5 Scriptures that are main and would help us decode what God truly says about the tattoo or any body modification. Here is the list of these quotes from the bible and below them, is an explanation for that.

  • "You shall not make ANY CUTTINGS IN YOUR FLESH for the dead, nor TATTOO ANY MARKS on you: I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:28)
  • "Do NOT think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did NOT come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled." (Matthew 5:17-18)
  • "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16)
  • "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which is God's." (1 Corinthians 6:19)
  • "If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are." (1 Corinthians 3:17)

When you put all these 5 verses back to back with each other and study what God is trying to tell you, then the god's opinion might become super clear to you. Let's begin with it:

1.  The first verse belongs to the Book of Leviticus back in the Old Testament. Here, God was showing His chosen souls what they could and could not do in their personal relationship and communication with Him. While God gave them a set of rules and commencement, he wants them to follow each one diligently so as not to stray away from the life of virtue. The first verse isolates any sort of body modifications or "the cutting of the flesh" which can also instruct towards body piercing that people get these days.

Previously, many people had the ritual and custom of marking their bodies with different kinds of cuttings and tattoos as a way of mourning the dead and paying their regards to the dead. God, with his first verse, is also referring to such kinds of practices.

God, the Father of the religion, was clearly showing His own people that they were not to get involved in this sort of venture. See that God employs the word"any" tattoos and"any" cuttings" in the skin. He was clearly being strict about these issues. Therefore, according to this verse, there is absolutely no cuttings or tattoos of any kind, shape, or form put any place on their skin. These wordings instruct that it is not only to abstain from the practice of cutting oneself for dead but any other reason as well.

These people were called "chosen" for a reason. They were God's special people who had to mark themselves separate from the entire world and how things work for normal people. This is specifically against any kind of pagan practices that were still a part of their normal society.

If God did not want his special people to cut their flesh at that time, he would probably not want any tattoos or cutting for people of today's time either, which is the Old Testament vs The New Testament. This brings us to the second verse.

2.  In this second verse that is mentioned above, Jesus Himself is explaining to us that He did not come to go against the laws of His Father and the saints. He tells that these rules and commandments are still in the trial until "all is fulfilled," which is a reference to when we get the New Heaven and New Earth after the 1000 Year Millennium Kingdom has passed.

You can notice this in his words,"till heaven and earth pass away." These lines exactly tell what will happen when we get the New Heaven and the New Earth as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Until the New Heaven and the New Earth arrives, we have to wait for this glorious event to occur until which, we have to follow all the old commandments that were laid down by God himself. With this, he clearly says that the 10 commandments are still in effect which must be followed even in today's time.

Unless the New Testament specifically rules out some of the main laws and commands regarding this topic back from the Old Testament, I assume that we have to believe that God still wishes for all of us to follow them. Because the Bible says that God does not change, he is clearly the same as he was millions of years ago.

So if God the Father was not wanting His chosen people back in the Old Testament to be putting on any types of tattoos or cutting into any parts of their flesh, does this same command still apply to all of us in this day and age? I believe that it does, and these next three verses will tell us why.

3.  The last three verses that are mentioned above are all telling us that our skins have soon become the pantheon of God's Holy Spirit. Notice that God is specifically referring to the physical human body here. The ramification here is that the human body is now carrying the Holy Spirit himself inside of it as we accept Jesus as our Lord and our Saviour. Therefore, the body has become an actual temple and must be kept pure.

In the last verse, God is using the statement,"defiles the temple of God," and that who so ever tries to corrupt His holy temple will be destroyed. Therefore, it is very clear that God does not want the Holy Temple which is our physical body to be destroyed by any form of modifications. This includes getting pierced or even tattooed.

We are no longer our own self now that the Holy Spirit is within us and we have to do everything to please him. This includes to honor him even in our own selves as the second last verse explains. This apparently excludes any kind of piercings or tattoos. Interestingly, it was common for the pagans as a practice e in Egypt to cut into the corpse of a dead one to let out the "Life Blood" to flow. It was also common for them to get their deities tattooed on their bodies as a mark of respect. This is in direct contrast to one of the 10 commandments that the Bible states.

If a person wants to follow all these rules very stringently, it's necessary to take a  look at some of the other old rules that were mentioned in the study. For instance, according to Leviticus 19, you were prohibited from chopping off your hair or beard, as well as restrained from using clothes made from diverse materials. If someone wants to be a strict Christian and follow these rules, it is pretty okay, however, in 2020, it is kind of difficult to do so!

In the present times, the people of today do not take the verses in the bibles at total face value and instead interpret the teaching and messages in their own way to make flexible choices. Many of the Christians today are getting inked with crosses, praying hands, portraits of Jesus, and popular proverbs from the Bible making up a large majority of the patterns formed everywhere the world.

Many famous TV personalities are also getting tattooed and have become a trendsetter for many of the commoners. In addition to this, many priests today are tattooed, including celebrity figures such as Carl Lentz who has also spiritually guided Christian and Non-Christian stars like Justin Bieber, Kendall, and Kylie Jenner, and Kevin Durant, etc. in the past.

Biblical Verse Tattoo Designs

  • Written on scroll

There is no better way of putting any verse on your skin through it written in the scroll. Scrolls were the medium in the ancient times on which the text was written and messages were sent. Even now, we can still find some biblical verses written on scrolls in many cathedrals or museums. You can also get your biblical verse tattooed on your skin to show the everlasting devotion to god.

  • Printed on the Bible

This is another way to get the verse inked because not many people know the biblical verse by heart and they might not recognize the source of the verse. Having your verse printed over the bible will make it clear that it is taken from it.

  • Other languages

The bible is not new. It was written millions of years ago and so it is not originally in English because the language was not in existence at that time. The bible was mainly written in Hebrew and greek depending on the location. The old testament is written in Hebrew while the new testament is written in the Greek language.

You can use these languages as an opportunity to get a foreign language religious tattoo for yourself. The benefit of this design is that you can make your tattoo private because only you would know the translation then and most people would not be able to read. Thes languages are quite old and have almost extinct so it is very difficult to get a translation fo it too. But there are also very many variations in each language so all you need is to do in-depth research on the letters. It might seem very painstaking but it is worth it in the end.

  • Biblical imagery

Bible has many images that it has used to showcase a particular belief. You can go through the bible and find some pictures that you think would resonate with your message. You can have the verse tattooed within the image or just around it somewhere so that they form a part of the whole design. One of the most common biblical representation is that of cross and crucifixes and specifically common among the Roman Catholics.

The cross is the fundamental sign of Christianity because it is a symbol of our salvation by the means of the crucifixion of Jesus. You can have many variations of the cross tattoo designs like you can have a snake wrapped around it like it is showed in story Number 21:8. Here, the snake is symbolic of Christ.

If you appear like a little darkness is necessary, there's nothing scarier than the pentagram or pentacle. Although it's not straightaway declared in the Bible, many Christians think that it's a representation of Satan who is the destroyer. The application of this figure is more for alerting others to beware of the risk of not believing in Christ and choosing a separate way.

  • Animals and plants:

The bible speaks of various animals in many contexts and some have even taken particular associations with some qualities or other. For instance, the dove is symbolic of love and a docile heart while the eagle a representation of power and authority. Plants, on the other hand, have not been named by classes, but specific activities are connected with vegetation. For illustration, Jesus said "I am the tree of life", and an image of a tree ought to show the significance of this comment.

  • Ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus Symbol:

The exciting factor of this bible verse hand tattoo is the use of the Ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus symbol. The Eye of Horus used to symbolize renewal and rebirth. After Horus' eye was slaughtered by the god of chaos Set, his mother, Isis, returned it to him to resume the combat. There are several similarities between God, Mary, and Jesus with Horus, Isis, and Osiris in classical biblical history.

Biblical Verse Tattoo Placement Ideas

Now that you have decided to get a Biblical verse tattoo even if you are a Christian, you might wonder about getting the tattoo that would represent the morals and beliefs quite significantly. Ther might not be a clear answer for the bible to state that the Christians can not have the tattoo but it is still a great idea to choose a proper placement option for your bible tattoo design. This is because, in this religion, the body is kept at some pedestal and is regarded very high because it is known to be made by god and is his place of residence too. So, you must be clear about the placement option when you choose a Christian tattoo because it is going to be there for the rest of your life.

The first thing to consider is why you want to get the tattoo. If it is just for rebellious nature, it is going against the nature of God and his laws, however, if it is for some religious purposes or some self-expression reason, then it is more acceptable in the society too. Some people choose to get this tattoo to present their beliefs or to keep them motivated. While there are people who get something that is going against your own religion is a thumbs down.

Corinthians 6:20 says: "You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." and 1 Corinthians 10:31 states: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Bestowing admiration and reverence for God by the means of your tattoo really does precisely what these verses tell. It is not essential to get a holy tattoo at all but it is an occasion for those who appreciate displaying their faith in this way. It is entirely about how you privately understand God's word because no two personalities observe it in the precise same fashion.

Common Bible Verse Tattoos

Here are some common biblical verses that people usually get inked on themselves:

  • John 3:16

This verse is very important to a Christian because it is the foundation stone for all the religion. In the verse is declared how God carried Jesus to the earth for all our protection, inspiring others to follow his example.

  • Philippians 4:13

Paul penned down the book of Philippians as a message to the people. The advice in this verse is to inspire people to place their faith in God. It is a request to hold God in all our actions in order to achieve something.

  • Psalms 23

Christians should believe in God to safeguard against evil. In this stanza, the poet tells everyone of His strength. Alongside security, it also confirms the Lord's provision, declaring that God is the provider.

  • Psalm 27:1

Ths verse says very clearly that "the Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?"The message is very clear. It instructs us to be fearless.

  • Psalms 23:6

This one tells us to be good and follow a great path. It says, "Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

  • Timothy 1:7

This one states that in this letter of Paul to Timothy, he suggests him to be powerful and brave even through trials and tribulations. It also offers a motive to the rest of us not to despair but put our faith in God.

  • Psalms 40:2

"He heard my prayers and brought me out of the pit of misery, He set my feet upon a rock and directed my steps."this stanza may be a suitable tattoo for one who has been through a difficult time and has still sustained it all. It is a description of God's restoring power and recovery from crisis and difficulty.

  • Jeremiah 29:11

This one is to make sure that you trust in God. It says, "For I know the plans I have for you," states the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

  • Mark 10:9

This verse states, "What God has joined together, let man not separate."This is a wonderful Bible verse tattoo to get when you get married. Often couples will both get this verse inked on any of their body parts especially, shoulder, a wrist, or over their hearts as part of their wedding celebrations. The tattoo is a permanent memory of their decision to spend their lives with each other. It's a great and sweet idea to declare marriage promises and a different way to acknowledge the marriage.

  • Hebrews 11:1

This verse states, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."This innocent statement of faith is suitable for somebody who considers themselves more spiritual than holy as well as those who are very devout than others. Using this Bible line with a cross, a candle, a dove or a different iconic Christian logo is a great idea to build a novel and special Bible verse design.

  • Genesis 1:1-3

This verse states, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said, Let there be light; and there was light." This one is quite a lengthy quote but it is a powerful verse that houses the invention of the world and all life inside it. It is a great symbol of alteration and the power of faith. People who have had near-death encounters, or endured terrifying ordeals, or have lately obtained their hope after dissipating it for many years may want to get this piercing Bible verse tattoo as a token of new life and new commencements.

  • Hebrews 6:19

This verse states, "This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary."It is a very bright and inspirational Bible lines that make the most desirable tattoo inspirations because carrying a strong reminder of the power of hope can change lives and keep people moving during a tough time. Usually, this verse is created with elements such as an anchor or a boat to express faith through the troubled times and the anchor of God's love.

  • Isaiah 43:2

This verse states, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."Therefore, it is symbolic of hope.

  • Psalms 119:195

This verse states, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

This simple phrase makes an artistic Bible verse tattoo when made in simplistic cursive handwriting. Many people prefer to get this phrase tattooed on a single foot or an ankle as a token of their route in life and their spiritual path. It's a very nice idea to understand the purpose of religion in life.

  • Psalm 23:4

This verse states, "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

This Bible verse is usually presented at funerals to send peace to the deceased that he will find in the arms of God. This verse is very often used in commemorative tattoos for family members or children. It is also one of the most popular Bible verse tattoos of army personnel, firefighters, police, and other social service personnel who put their lives on the risk only to do their jobs. Soldiers and military members who are sent to war zones will usually get this verse inked on them to support them as they meet the different difficulties of battle.

  • Ephesians 2:8

This verse states, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God"This Bible verse is an excellent motivation for anyone who wants to get a tattoo accepting the role of love and recognition in life. Normally those who have been granted a second chance at life or those who are strongly religious find motivation in this verse and enjoy having it inked on them as an everyday memo to be grateful for the gift of love and to address all of life's difficulties with grace and an obliged heart.

  • 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

This verse states, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hope, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away."This is quite huge for a tattoos design but it is a very significant part of life!

This Bible verse is well-known to almost anyone who has ever been a part of a Christian wedding. It is the most frequently presented passage during Christian weddings and it also is employed in many non-denominational marriage ceremonies too. This Bible verse tattoo is a wonderful expression of love that can be utilized to celebrate matrimony or even the delivery of a child. Seldom people get smaller variants of the full verse as a tattoo rather than getting the whole verse because it can be a bit long for a tattoo, depending on the position of the tattoo.

Here's a list of 170+ amazing biblical verse tattoo designs for you!

List of Biblical Verse Tattoos

  • Cross on Arm Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a tattoo that is made up of Biblical verses and is a great way to add some faith and strength in your life. It also gives you the inspiration to lead a virtuous path. It is important to know that the tattoos related to the bible or Christianity are not just restricted to believers. Some people can also make it for aesthetic purposes or probably someone just like the quote despite not being Christians.

  • Arm Quote Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

One more way to quickly state the verse from a Bible is to cut off the pieces from it that could either be from the starting of it or from the end. You can also use some ellipses to keep the verse brief and you can leave the rest of the part to fill in by the onlookers. Here is a great idea, however, it is pretty small. But you can keep the essential part of it and leave the rest.

  • Proverb 16:9 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote says, "In their hearts, humans plan their course, but theLord establishes their steps." This quote is done with the design of sea, mountains, and sky which is quite appropriate as far a the quote goes. It is quite a modern turn on this design. The arrows go through the circular object representing the four directions.

  • Isaiah 54 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote says,"Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband." You can also keep your quotes short by simply mentioning what kind of quote you want and mentioning its name. This one suits the finger very well.

  • Colorful Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This proverb states that "Trust in theLord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;" which means that one must learn to trust in God and not use their own head all the time. This is beautifully made with some bright colors on the chest of the man which looks very attractive. It is a great tattoo.

  • Psalm 23:4 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is the name version of the whole quote. It talks of being fearless because it is important to trust in God and when you have trust, you have no fear.  This tattoo quote reads, "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

  • Chest Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is the half quote of the full one that is present in the bible. If your quote is too long, you can cut it short like this man has done here in this design. The full version of the quote is, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me," saith the LORD.

  • Side Rib Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote is great because it deepens your trust in god. This is great as a side stomach tattoo because it provides ample space for it. The whole design says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." It is quite a significant design.

  • Amazing Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This man has tattooed this Isiah tattoo very simply on his arms and wrist. For him, the whole quote would have been a bit too much but if you know what this tattoo stands for, you know its meaning. Here's a fuller version of it, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."

  • Chest Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a great chest tattoo that is superbly drawn with the black ink that it looks very great. This quote says, "I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." It means that the wearer has worked hard to reach God, that is, lead a virtuous life.

  • Ripped Cross Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Ripped tattoos are very much in fashion these days. This ripped cross tattoo looks very amazing because it is in the shape of the Cross with some quotes from the bible visible. This wearer has made it clear that the quote he is referring to is from Romans 8:38-39. It is read like, " For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

  • Laughing Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is great even if you are not a Christian because it is a very inspirational design. It doe snit have many religious connotations. It says that one must live without fear that what right happens in the future and instead concentrate on the present. The design is also accompanied by a dove which is the symbol of peace.

  • Amazing Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is made beautifully on the arm. It says, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD." However, you can try and make it different styles and use different calligraphic ways.

  • Ripped Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a very creative ripped tattoo design that is again made in a cross shape. I think cross-shaped ripped designs are the best here. Inside it, you can read the biblical verses. You can add any quote inside it and it will look equally pretty and attractive.

  • Lighthouse Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This lighthouse tattoo design is a great tattoo because it is symbolic of showing the way to the ships at night so that they not get lost. The place of the lord in our lives is very similar because he shows us light so that we do not stray away from someplace else. This is what the exact quote says, "The LORD is my light and my salvation– whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life– of whom shall I be afraid? When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall."

  • Shining Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo design is very cool because it is made majestically on the chest of the wearer. The chest is a great place to get biblical quotes because it presents the fact that the quote is very near to your heart.

  • Great Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This chest biblical verse tattoo looks super amazing because not only is it adorned with beautiful patterns but is also made near the place where our heart its. Thus, it is a very significant tattoo design. It is written on a script which makes it a bit traditional.

  • Awesome Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It seems like different pieces of paper have been slapped across this person's arm on which different verses are written. You can either write different verses on each piece of paper or you can distribute a single verse into these multiple pieces.

  • True Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a very popular tattoo design that you can make on your shoulder. The font is pretty calligraphic and looks beautiful. The whole quote saysTheLord said to Moses, "Tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: "'"TheLord bless you and keep you; theLord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; theLord turn his face toward you and give you peace."'"So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them."

  • Religious Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This shoulder and arm tattoo design are very pretty because it has a lot of elements. You can see an innocent-looking angel or sister standing with her wings spread wide and holding a cross sign. She has a beautiful halo behind her head. There are some biblical verses written on the tattoo design that makes it look very pretty.

  • Hand Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

The hand is always a great place to get a tattoo design because it is probably the most apparent part of your body. Whenever you meet someone you always shake their hands and so it is the first place of contact. It is only wise that you get your tattoo here if you want your onlookers to notice it as soon as possible.

  • Ripped Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It seems like ripped tattoos are in trend especially when it comes to biblical tattoo designs. These tattoo designs look cool because they represent that something, in this case, the bible verses, is deeply instilled in your skin. Therefore, it makes for a very significant tattoo design.

  • Calligraphic Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

If you have a verse tattoo you might want to up your calligraphy game. This verse tattoo looks very great because even though it is simple, it has great calligraphy done on it. So even if you have a simple design, make sure your creativity level is on point.

  • Creative Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Psalm 27 is one of the most motivational and religious biblical verses because it makes the god the cornerstone of everything. So the god has a strong foundation in everyone's lives so that he is the one who keeps us on track and does not let us astray from our path. The quote says, " The LORD is my light and my salvation– whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life– of whom shall I be afraid? When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall."

  • Subtle Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is also the simple biblical quote that can be made on almost any part of the body. You can get it made on your chest too.

  • Simple Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote is quite long and is made on the rib cage of this wearer. It says that the lord is the creator and the maker of the universe. He is also preserved and we all must trust his creation. The quote is, "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake."

  • Innovative Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is once again in a 3D format. The 3D format is good if you want some realistic-looking tattoo design which is very much in fashion. For example in this one, there is a lot of sharing effect which makes it look like this piece of cross is stitched to this man's skin. It is quite a great design with some important and significant verses imprinted on it.

  • Amazing Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is a great inspirational quote and tells us to lead a virtuous life that is propounded by Jesus in the bible. It is a great ide that you must ink these inspirational quotes from the bible someplace where you can easily see it.

  • Mountains Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote tells about the fact that human beings, just like Jesus, must sacrifice their souls and bodies if needed for the protection o their brothers and sisters because it is the will of God. This tattoo is a great reminder of trust in god's power.

  • Awesome Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This half arm biblical verse tattoo looks pretty great. It is a good tattoo for an arm because it covers all of it and looks very magnificent.

  • Beautiful Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is taken from Isaiah 41:10 which speaks of God being the one we can trust on. We can trust him blindly and can lean on him or the harder times because he will lift us up as no one else can. Heis the creator and protector of humankind. The quote says, "So Do Not Fear, For I Am With You; Do Not Be Dismayed, For I Am Your God. I Will Strengthen You And Help You; I Will Uphold You With My Righteous Right Hand."

  • Psalm 140:4 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a prayer tattoo. Although this tattoo is just the name of the prayer, those who know what this verse means would know that this is a prayer to god to keep the man away from evil and not to lead him onto some evil path. The quote says, "Keep me, OLord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings."

  • Cross Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This cross sign on the shoulder of the wearer looks great. The simple cross is a very significant part of Christianity. The quote that is used here is from Galatians 2:20 and it says, "'I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."

  • Upper Shoulder Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

The design on the shoulder of the wearer looks pretty great on the chest. The chest is one o the most popular body tattoo areas. You can also get this tattoo made on your bicep.

  • Blessed Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo looks pretty magnificent. It says that the person is blessed which is written on the topmost part of the back. This is supplemented by the quote which says, that human beings must not fear anything because God is with them.

  • Strength Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This simple and short verse form the bible speaks of strength. It shows that the man can do anything with the strength of God because God is always beside them.

  • Courage Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo design is done on the side ribs and is a prayer that asks God for giving the human being courage and great hearts so that one can lead the path of virtue and stay away from evil designs of satan.

  • Simple Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is Philippians 4:13 which speaks of strength that the god provides. It says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."This means that Christ is the biggest supporter and protector of the men who believe in God.

  • Minimal Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is done in a very creative way that is made on the arm. It is creative so it must be placed on someplace that is visible to onlookers like this wearer has done. It is a great idea.

  • Eye Catching Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is done with simple black ink with some very simple fonts that make it look great. It is supplemented by an anchor which is a sign of stability in every relationship. The quote says, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hope, always perseveres."Here, love is a spiritual kind of love.

  • Simplistic Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is done on the upper ribs of the girl. It means that the person is not afraid of the future and instead wants to invest in a great present. It says "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."

  • Creative Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is done on the chest and this biblical verse tattoo means that the man has sacrificed himself to the grace of God. He feels that God lives in him both literally and metaphorically. The quote says,"I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."

  • Philippians Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is across tattoo with the quite name on the upper arm. This is done with dark black ink to have an impact on the skin. It looks pretty awesome. The quote that is mentioned here says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This design is quite motivating.

  • Ear Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Getting a small tattoo on your ear is a great idea. However, you cant get a total verse on your ears but just write the name if you want to. Here the wearer has decided to get John 14:27 imprinted which says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Now a tattoo this long can not be inked i=on the ear completely!

  • Deer Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This little deer looks very sweet. It has a huge reference in the bible as it is an animal of innocence. Such animals are a very important part of the religion because they are innocent creatures and would never inflict harm on others. The biblical quote that is used here is from Matthew 19:6 that says, "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."It means that god and human beings are one and not separate.

  • Small Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This person who got this very subtle and minimalistic tattoo design seems to be a true devout of the religion because she seems to be a firm believer that she is not alone and God is with her.

  • Arm Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

John 3:15 says that the one who believes in god truly would never perish and in fact, would be saved by God at any time. He who has faith in God also has eternal life.

  • Colored Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo design with watercolor effect in the background speaks of the heart is deceitful. It says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"The colors in the tattoo design add a sense of attraction to the tattoo design and make it look quite pleasing.

  • Tiny Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is the most minimalistic of the tattoo design out of all. It just has some numbers with an "S" alphabet on it. It is done in simple fonts too, nothing that fancy.

  • Feet Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote is all about how deep a devotee's trust can be. He believes in the total mercy of God and the salvation that God will provide. It is blind faith in the mercy of God.

  • Nice Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This simple tattoo design is a reminder that God is still present amongst aloof us. This is a reminder of how one must be calm in all situations.

  • Flower Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a very beautiful tattoo design with a beautiful and colorful flower pattern. It has a simple text saying Roman 8:18. The quote here says, "Present Suffering and Future Glory – I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Therefore, this tattoo says that one must not focus on the present condition even if it is bad because it is not here to stay.

  • Heart Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This heart quote is taken from Timothy 1:7 which has a huge significance because the opening phrase of this verse may reveal why Paul continues so much on ideas such as courage and spiritual power when writing to Timothy. It's likely this served a spiritual failing which Paul was encouraging Timothy to succeed. The quote says, "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline."

  • Upper Back Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo says that the one who gives human beings strength, which is the supreme lord, is capable of helping humans to achieve everything. This is a great biblical verse tattoo design for the back. It is small and concise.

  • Psalms 23:4 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This verse reads,"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." To walk means the constant motion of a soul which knows its road and knows its end and decides to pursue the path seems quite safe, and is hence quite calm and prepared.

  • Finger Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo on fingers looks absolutely pleasing because finger tattoos are very much in fashion. YOu can not manage to write the whole quote on your fingers but the name. Here the quote reads, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."Judging someone or something is considered a sin in this religion.

  • Romans 5:8 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Just writing Romans 5:8 would not make it's meaning clear to everyone. Therefore, it is quite a personal tattoo to the wearer who means by this quote that, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." It means that although we are Christians, we are still sinners because Christ died for all our sins and we let him die.

  • Upper Arm Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo looks absolutely fantastic on this man's arm! You can choose from amazing fonts to make your tattoo look different.

  • Hands Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

You can make your tattoo on hand because it is quite uncommon for people to get their hands tattooed. Many people choose places like chest and back to get their tattoo done. However, to fit in your quote tattoo is another thing.

  • Spanish Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

You can get your biblical verse tattoo made in another language so that it remains quite personal. and if you know some foreign languages, chances are that you can make it very personal to yourself by getting them inked in different languages.

  • Sky Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This biblical tattoo design is very inspirational because it says that one can overcome anything if they want to by the strength of God. The tattoo is covered with the sky which makes it looks colorful and pretty too.

  • Awesome Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Here the tattoo represents absolutely no fear until and unless God is with them those who believe in him very much.

  • Strength Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

The Bible tells us in Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for theLord your God is with you wherever you go." This means that there are moments in every person's life, where they are scared and distressed about the prospect of tomorrow. They may feel uncertain about whether or not they are able of controlling what is to come or if this is the true pathway to proceed on. Nevertheless, we can gain confidence from this Bible verse. We can understand that the Lord will forever be with us in whatever situation that He puts us in or pathway that He calls us to seek. Hence, we can have harmony and move ahead with power and strength, remembering that God is on our side.

  • Saint Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

A saint tattoo is a great way to get yourself a biblical verse design. Here the saint is holding a scroll that has some verse from the bible written on it. It is a great and creative way to step out from the boring verse tattoo design and add some new interesting elements to it.

  • Colored Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo looks attractive because of all the beautiful and bright colors that have been added to the design. This tattoo says, "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it because the time is near."

  • Greek Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is again written in a foreign language therefor only the reader and who so ever understands this text can understand the significance of it. Quite a personal tattoo.

  • God Delights in Me Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

The verse, "The Lord your God is among you, a warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will bring [you] quietness with His love. He will delight in you with shouts of joy,"means that God is higher than the Creator, He is the LORD God who is amongst all of us; loving us; worrying for us; guarding us; supporting us; indwelling us, and who died for us so that we might have life and have it in surplus. This is no less valid for the congregation than it was for Israel – it is not more precise for Israel that it is for the Church, for God's promise to His people is certain, stable, reliable, and accurate. He is forever near at hand to support and to heal; to endure and to bear us in His eternal arms.

  • Lord Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This beautiful tattoos design looks very pleasing and subtle.

  • Creative Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a colorful tattoos design showcasing across with a bible book in front o fit kept in an opened position. It looks super amazing and all the more attractive.

  • Small Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It shows that God is the truth and the way out of all the difficult times. The hard times would pass.

  • Bible Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Just like this wearer has added some important date to their biblical verse tattoo design on an opened bible, you can also try and adding your favorite date to make your design more personal and as a token of remembrance.

  • Stroll Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is written in the Spanish language. You can translate your quotes in any language as you want and make it look different.

  • In God, I Trust Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a great reminder to trust in the power and glory of God.

  • Jeremiah 20:9 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote says, "If I say, "I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name," there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot."

  • Quote Heart Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote is arranged in a way that it looks like a cross symbol. It looks great on the arm of the wearer where it is very visible for the onlookers.

  • Bicep Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Getting strength and an inspiring tattoo on your bicep is a very symbolic placement idea because it also represents strength and courage especially if you work out.

  • Thigh Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote is quite long and written in a simple but beautiful manner on the thighs o the wearer. It says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears theLord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

  • Lord is Rock Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Here the meaning is pretty apparent from the first line of the quote which means that the lord is the pillar of strength and is strong.

  • Salt Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It is a very creative and beautifully made tattoo. The creativity would get a 10 on 10.

  • Roses Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This person has added the bible verse tattoos with different designs like a bible, roses, and across.

  • Philippians 14:3 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This simple tattoo is great to look at and is done with simply using black ink.

  • Savior Lord Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo means that the lord is the savior an the protector of all.

  • Cross Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

These 3D realistic looking tattoos of biblical verse inside of a cross are very interesting looking and great. They are very creative.

  • Proverb 4:23 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This proverb asks you to stay true and love from your heart because everything else would automatically flow from inside of it.

  • Fear Not Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a very eye-catching tattoo design because of all the bright colors that it has and is made up of. This tattoo would look on a visible part of the body.

  • Genesis 31:49 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This whole quote is spread all across the arm and looks very creative.

  • Foreign Language Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It is a whole prayer that is written in some foreign language and spread all across the upper chest to the waist. It looks amazing!

  • Simple Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

You can get the simple quote name that you want in bold letters and it is just enough.

  • Romans 8:31 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo speaks of taking god's side because that way the children of God would be undefeatable.

  • Wrist Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

You can get your tattoo paired with someone who shares your thoughts and beliefs. Here, one person has got the quote name while the other has got the whole quote written on it.

  • God Son Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Here you can see on an opened bible book, different names are written. If you have children you can write their names or you can write the names of people who are special to you!

  • Cross and Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a simple tattoo design of a cross with some quotes and looks awesome.

  • Strength Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This design looks very divinely because of the divine light that is falling from the sky. It looks pretty amazing.

  • Head of Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Writing your biblical verse quote on your head is another creative thing I must agree with!

  • Mountains Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

The view of the sun rising from the mountains is super pleasing to the eye. It is beautiful and so is the biblical quote that is written right under it.

  • Heartache Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote is written in a very majestic manner but the essence of it is that heartaches and problems go away. The quote is written inside a bible book surrounded by many clouds.

  • Holy Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

You can get a simple holy bible tattooed on your skin for the bible contains all the knowledge of the biblical verses. It is a beautifully made colorful bible design.

  • Calligraphy Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This design looks pretty awesome!

  • Side Ribs Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Many people are going fo the whole side rib design if the quote is quite big. It is an awesome design.

  • Amazing Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It seems like this person as got himself a biblical design on the shoulder in another language.

  • Awesome Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Quite a different design from the rest of the people on this list.

  • Guarded Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This spiritual biblical quote refers to the fact that everything is possible to achieve when God is there by your side.

  • I Can Do Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This again keeps the god at a pedestal where he can help the man do anything that he wants.

  • Psalms 127 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This psalm is given the name, A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. Most consider Solomon to be the creator, yet it is likely that the psalm was written by David for Solomon. Here, Solomon will be deemed as the author. The design looks pretty amazing.

  • Eagle Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote with an eagle tattoo looks great and gives strength. It is a very inspiring tattoo design because the eagle stands for strength and courage.

  • Hebrew 11:1 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Here the keyword is faith. We must have faith in the creation of god. This design says, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

  • Awesome Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Chest tattoo designs are very much in vogue and can be considered by anyone who is looking for biblical strength tattoos.

  • Attractive Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

You can get your script tattoo on a scroll which would look amazing especially if you have your tattoo colored din different inks.

  • Psalms 3:5 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This wearer has asked for the strength from God and this design says, "But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. … Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked."

  • False Prophets Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote asks one to be aware o the people who look very tame but are evil from inside. They are vicious people and god would help lead us away from them.

  • Upper Back Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This upper back biblical quote is a great tattoo idea. It looks very creative done on a scroll.

  • Love Your Enemies Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Here the tattoo means that one must do good to everyone without having any expectations that they will do good back to you. Always be kind and generous.

  • Patience Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a beautiful way to present the quote with rose flowers especially hen the quote is about love and kindness.

  • Awesome Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Scroll designs are very great especially if you want to add some ancient touch to them. It looks superbly awesome.

  • Traditional Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Once again this scroll design looks very beautiful done on the back of the wearer. It is a beautifully crafted design.

  • Book of God Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This wearer has inked the whole bible book with a bible verse written on the middle part of the back.

  • Wrist Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

A simple and small tattoo on the wrist looks quite appealing.

  • Flowery Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo with a lot of beautiful flowers done in some shaded patterns looks pretty attractive. It is made beautifully.

  • Anchor Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Here are two different design on each hand that speaks of love and hope. The heart symbolizes love and the anchor symbolizes stability.

  • Strength Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a simple design done in bold patterns.

  • Wrist and Arm Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This design of the biblical verse is pretty cute because it links the sun and the moon together along with some beautiful stars.

  • Greek Script Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This design is very spiritual. It is done in another language with a lotus flower accompanying it. Lotus is considered a sacred flower among many religions.

  • Joshua Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This anchor tattoo has Joshua entwined inside of it. It looks pretty good.

  • Greek Rib Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This whole tattoo seems as if it is done in some sign language. It is a great tattoo design for someone who wants to maintain the mystery.

  • Feet Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

A biblical verse on the feet is a very unique idea because most of the people choose upper body for it.

  • Proverb 31:30 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This upper back proverb verse tattoo looks very beautiful and subtle!

  • Butterfly Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This proverb speaks of fearlessness and love which is symbolic of the butterfly that companies this tattoo design.

  • Birds Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo design is accompanied with many birds that look very beautiful and symbolizes peace and eternity.

  • Jeremiah 29:11Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This design is mystic and quite personal. It is huge and so the rib side is a great placement option.

  • Roman Numbers Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

You can add roman numbers instead of the normal number that you use to give it a different effect.

  • Leg Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This quote is placed in a way so that it makes a cross. It looks beautiful placed on the calves of the legs.

  • Side Thigh Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Such a huge design would fit the thigh of the wearer because it has ample space.

  • Galatians Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This cross design is made from nails with which Jesus was crucified so it is very symbolic.

  • Life Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a very beautiful and one of the most popular quotes which are done in a very subtle manner.

  • Courageous Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It is a beautiful quote about strength and happiness.

  • Faith Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo gives hope for infinite strength and faith which is symbolized by an infinity symbol along with few doves.

  • Hope Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It is a beautifully carved bold tattoo design.

  • Destiny Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

A small verse design on the collar bone looks exceptionally cool.

  • Truth Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This elaborative tattoo design looks extremely good.

  • Awesome Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This ripped tattoo design is not shaped like a cross but like a star and inside it you can see some biblical quotes.

  • Small Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

A simple biblical text with an anchor seems to be a pretty decent design!

  • Genesis 3:18 Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a great way to keep us grounded and remain humble in life.

  • Amazing Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This again is a very different design in a different language. It is truly amazing!

  • Pray for Tomorrow Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This wearer wants to focus on today and that's about it!

  • Tree Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

The tree has a lotto significance in the bible. This wearer has revered this significance.

  • Both Hands Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

You can get a Christian inspired bible verse design either Ron both hand or the same designs on the front or back of the hand. They look pretty amazing!

  • Stylish Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It looks like his arm has been stretched to find biblical verses that are inside his body!

  • Fear Not Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

It is a cool biblical verse design with a lot of beautiful fonts.

  • Jesus Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Here you can see a biblical verse tattoo with Jesus holding a lamb. It looks pretty cool and innocent!

  • Dignity Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This biblical tattoo is accompanied by a skull that is ornamented. It looks pretty cool but quite contrasted in nature!

  • Trust Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a reminder of our blind faith and trust in god.

  • Beautiful Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Once again a tree design that helps us keep root to the ground. The design makes us believe that one must not see any flaws within oneself and move on with confidence.

  • Grace Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This grace tattoo enclosed in a heart looks pretty cool and beautiful drawn on the wrist!

  • Everything is Possible Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Christ is the symbol of the utmost strength!

  • No Evil Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is a reminder of no fear even if something bad happens in life. It will pass for those who keep faith in god.

  • Submission Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This is a tattoo of submission in front of god almighty which is made on the arm of this person.

  • Neck Cross Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This cross on the girl's neck looks pretty great. It is simple with a mention of the quote from Coranthius 12:9.

  • Traditional Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Th scroll biblical verse tattoos always look pretty amazing! This one looks so darn good.

  • Black Ink Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This scroll tattoo is made right on the bicep of this person which looks pretty great. It is done with beautiful shading which gives it a realistic effect.

  • Judge Me Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

Without any fear of judgment from anyone else other than god, one does believe that one is fearless. The wearer has also added some names in this tattoo design which looks pretty good and makes the tattoo a bit personal.

  • Bird Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is made on the foot of the wearer along with a little bird which is symbolic of so many good things in Christianity! The tattoo looks amazing!

  • Cross Biblical Verse Tattoo Design

Biblical Verse Tattoo

This tattoo is amazing because it showcases nails that are shaped like a cross which is symbolic of Jesus' crucifixion. It looks super cool because it is accompanied by a verse from the bible. It says, "He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. … He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge."It means that God is the pillar of strength fo the wearer. It is a great design.

With this, we come to an end with more than 170 amazing biblical verse designs with all its meanings explained and even sometimes for how to place them on yoru body! It is a pretty great tattoo idea even when you have a Christian background.

Fake Tattoos

the lord is my strength and my shield tattoo designs


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