
Day Of The Dead Bloodline Amazon

Day of the Dead: Bloodline (2017) Poster

one /10


Why are people intent on wasting money making poor movies. After two minutes you tin can clearly tell that this is going to be an awful movie.

Since when do people explode blood when bitten. What was the zombie wiping the wind screen with blood inside the machine all about?

Poor script with even worse interim.

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1 /ten

Are you kidding me?

First, I'll exist entirely honest. I absolutely hate remakes. 99% of them are utter crap, fabricated by no talent pinheads trying to use an existing success to lure chumps in to see their crappy, ill thought out tax break films. This is no different. I didn't think that there could be a worse remake of Day than that horrible 2008 version, but this i is EVEN WORSE. Someone should make a movie where George Romero comes back equally a Zombie and KILLS everyone even thinking of making another remake of one of his movies. This has everything bad. Acting. Storyline. Plot. Even the zombies are bad. At 90 minutes long it felt like three times that. Merely a horrible waste of time.

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3 /ten

Day Of The Dudd

Why is information technology with a budget of viii million y'all deceit make a amend version than the original which cost a mere $3,000,000; its not rocket scientific discipline but I guess y'all need a Romero at the helm.

Not very scary or claustrophobic similar the original was, woeful interim, casuistic situations. cheddar cheesy dialogue and blood shooting out like a hose made it comical - The Walking Expressionless has it spot on so why not simply copy if you lot dont take a clue what yous are doing. I wont mention the ending which had the entire audience laughing - Oh my what were they thinking? And to add insult to injury the thrash metal "nettle-rash" music as my old dad used to call it at the stop credits really did aggravate an already aggravated viewing sesh!

Its non awful - the people who requite i star are every bit bad equally the shills who give 10/10 to every movie they review and havent a clue what the ratings systems means - 1 star means its the worst motion picture you have ever seen; watch "THE BAD BATCH" with Keanu Reeves then come back and tell me you would still give this a 1 star.

To exist off-white Johnathon Schaech did a pretty good endeavour at the original Bubba-zombie (he was the best actor in the whole thing) and the effects were non bad. The Dawn Of The Expressionless remake has been one of the all-time Zombo remakes but sadly this one is non. How very disappointing I must say! Nosotros can only hope Peter Jackson gets his Zombie movie that he has been talking about for over a decade off the ground, until so I guess us die hard zombo fans will have to make do with The Walking Dead!

A off-white 3/10 from me!

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1 /10

complete rubbish - run abroad from it

I built this business relationship just to warn people how bad this moving-picture show is. salvage yourselves and dont watch information technology, its the worst depression budget everything under the sun including interim. a film by fans for fans,of themselves...

it should be a crime to use "day of the dead" for garbage like this

Romero is rolling in his grave right now

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4 /10

A disappointing watch.

Zombie movies accept literally been done to death, no pun intended. Nowadays the expectation is for something slightly less unoriginal, with a huge budget, and the usual shocks and scares. Sadly this i fails on both counts, there is admittedly nothing original, and the budget was evidently fairly low, every bit at times it looks a niggling inexpensive. The get-go was pretty decent, and the Zombie stalker thing was perhaps a little different. The acting was sadly a trivial below par as well.


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1 /10

Sh*t Sandwich.

This is 1 of those time when I wished I had listened to my gut feeling. It said avoid this trash merely I was like how bad tin can information technology be? Every bit bad as Twenty-four hours of the dead Contagion (a turkey which had null to practise with the original movie)? As bad every bit the Steve Miner one? Information technology is on a par with the Miner movie. Information technology only feels like a generic zombie trash movie. Like zombies of mass devastation or zombie planet to name ii from the cannon of so bad they are awful zombie movies. The movie itself is but generic zombie schlock. If they had called in zombies in Mexico then information technology merely would have been a 2 out of ten trash picture. Saying it is based on the George Romero movie is an insult. Watch this at your own peril.

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ane /10

The near stupid heroin always.......

Warning: Spoilers

Subsequently being responsible for the death of Frank, and for smuggling Max dorsum to the hide out, and for letting dozens of zombies into the safe identify, I actually hoped she got bitten!

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v /10

Sub Par

From what I understood, 24-hour interval of the Dead Bloodline is supposed to be a remake of Day of the Expressionless (1985).

At present I must state for the record that I am not a fan of remakes as they commonly autumn flat, and I tin't empathise the need for them in the commencement identify, and it shows a lack of originality as well.

With that argument out of the style, Day of the Expressionless Bloodline was in fact far inferior to the original Mean solar day of the Dead, though to be fair it bares very little in common to the original.

The interim was amateurish and the script was poorly written. The furnishings were actually pretty good, with the only exception being blood constantly expelled with explosive force from people being attacked, which is fine if you are watching a one-act but not and then much in a supposed horror pic.

All in all, I wouldn't recommend this film, though if you lot have cypher else to do and want to watch it, go alee, merely don't expect something memorable.

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ii /ten

Title should take been "How Zoe killed usa all."

Alarm: Spoilers

Total Bull$#!+ overused concept. The earth is over, we can't reach anyone and of a sudden a human sickness needs to be taken care of. So we send a team to notice some antibiotics simple go far and become out but the person who insisted about going in the first place breaks of and starts a concatenation of events that kills a bunch of innocent people just to make a vaccine to help cure basically no one. Thanks Zoe.

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1 /10

Very very bad motion-picture show and it's non a remake

Warning: Spoilers

OK so hither the story:

The primary character Zoe is a student in a infirmary and study in epidemiology and have a patient chosen Max who have an aberrant amount of antibodies on his blood (at this point you already become what volition happen on the motion picture). Unfortunately this patient his likewise a psychopath stalker in love with Zoe.

The evening the student have a party and Zoe go become some beer on the morgue fridge...ok!, go far Max who effort to rape her but Zoe is a lucky girl and i of the trunk wake up and attack Max. Zoe run to the party to tell people to get out merely zombies set on.

Zoe'southward teacher who tell at the kickoff she will not be at the political party was here and turned to Zombie (How? Why? it's a mystery).

Anyway everyone die (and turned to Zombie) and Zoe escape.

You lot can notice on this movie that Zombie will attack people, bite them and go to the other victim (they don't consume them).

We are v twelvemonth later. Zoe is a dr. on a armed services base of operations and work for a cure. Everything is well organized they have food, people are protected.

One day a kid became ill and need medicine they don't have. In order to prevent an outbreak Zoe ask to the lieutenant in charge to get-go a mission to go medicine into the hospital she was working because she know where the pharmacy is and she know the lawmaking ! (Aye a bunch of soldier tin can't open a door airtight with a locker).

On the way, one of the 2 hummer broke in the centre of a forest and they kickoff to yell to each others (yep information technology'southward expert to yell in the middle of a forest Zombie will not hear you at all !) until they outset to fix the machine.

The night fall and the mechanic prepare the auto at the exact moment zombies beginning to set on from every side (Zombies start to chase in group??).

They escape and get in at the hospital, they arrive at the pharmacy start to take everything they demand to go back, easy?, no Zoe stop to her sometime office to pick up some pictures and other medicine, but a Zombie is looking at her. He attack and she shoot at him (merely miss) and start to run and driblet a scarf , the Zombie smell it and of course nosotros recognize Max (What a surprise !)

All the Zombies effectually showtime to attack. They escape but one of the soldier die (attacked from behind).

They arrive in the base with Zombie Max hided under 1 of the hummer (WFT?, how did he get here?), Zombie Max get to hide before i of the war machine cheque the auto.

The base of operations chef the lieutenant (I don't remember his proper name) arraign Zoe for the expiry of the soldier.

Anyway, Zoe get the medicine and cure the girl (I'thousand non a doctor merely drugs don't have expiration engagement?). At present Zoe is crying on her sleeping accommodation watching the pictures she took, a human being is dead for those pictures call back, I hope she cry because she understood how stupid she is ... .

On this scene Zoe is wearing a black acme (of import) considering on the side by side scene she is wearing a white i.

But what happen with Zombie Max? Afterwards killing a soldier outside he's successfully sneak into the base at the last minutes before the door closes, unnoticed he starting time to expect for Zoe using the aeration tunnel (Conflicting Manner).

No one noticed the missing soldier or the Zombie walking into the tunnel...

Zombie Max successfully kill to other people (a couple), the woman yell only NO One hear her (they live in an underground base, information technology'due south just long tunnel, what nigh the repeat??).

Zombie Max attack Zoe and before he start to finish what he started 5 years earlier, Zoe enquire the military to non kill him because he didn't tried to bite her. They restrain him on the lab.

After that, the lieutenant of the base ask how Zombie Max sneak into the base? Was he solitary? Do we have missing people? No I'chiliad joking no one inquire those questions.

Zoe finally detect that Zombie Max was Max and start to employ his claret to make a cure.

During a scene where Zoe was arguing with her boyfriend she was wearing a white height, she left the room and when she get in in the lab she was wearing a blue top...

In club to work on the cure, Zoe need claret sample from Zombies, so without asking the lieutenant they organize a mission (during the night again) to take blood sample from Zombie by opening the main gate and let them pass 1 by 1. When they where taking the blood sample from the second Zombie the guy who was belongings the contend (alone confronting a bunch of zombie) commencement to yell to say he can't hold the debate. Just no one care.

The debate plummet and 2 soldier dies. But she got the sample ! (we are at 6 people dead because of Zoe since the starting time of the moving picture)

She started to continue to work on the cure and at the moment she find it Zombie Max escape (he grab the central from a soldier earlier and hide them on his pocket).

She escape and Zombie Max was costless on the base.

The war machine start to hunt him and Zoe become lonely to accept the sick little girl, and of course Zombie Max have her as earnest (first zombie hostage situation scene ever). Zombie Max release the footling girl and grab Zoe and open the base of operations gate and Zombies start to come inside. Military go far shoot max (not deadly shoot notwithstanding) and save Zoe BUT the fiddling girl agape escape and become through the door Zombie Max open (exterior) instead of going within the base of operations.

Zoe run later on the girl to salve her and Zombie Max follow.

All the military are killed by Zombies, the lieutenant too and the boyfriend is bitten. And Zombies go inside the the rest of the base and start to kill everyone.

During this time Zoe, the little daughter and Zombie Max play hide and seek and Zoe kill Zombie Max past cutting is head off (Finally).

Zoe come back and observe Baca (the boyfriend) set to impale himself but she said NO I Tin MAKE A VACCIN ! (for who? everyone is dead).

The next scene is Zoe giving the vaccine to Bacca relieve him and everything is skillful everyone is happy and THE Cease.

So what virtually all the Zombies inside the base of operations? They disappeared? (similar the movie scenario).

Then what to say virtually 24-hour interval of the Dead: Bloodline?

The characters are stupid and have irrational behavior, hey let'southward go raid in the night an infirmary full of Zombies ! Nothing bad will happen ! Most of the dead are people surprised from backside by a Zombie, are they deaf? or is it silent Ninja Zombies? The only rationnal character was the lieutenant who was supposed to be the bad guy.

If I need to compare this movie with the original Romero Day of the dead, I will say that first of all this moving picture is not a remake at all and information technology'southward an insult to Romero movies.

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1 /x

Irrational behaviour in the face up of danger

Alert: Spoilers

There are some spoilers in here, but I attempt to go on the details somewhat non-specific.

Everyone behaves as impaired and illogical as possible; one evening they determine on a raid "farther than designated range" -- the next day. Apparently "farther" ways either 12 hours driving or they did beginning in the afternoon because soon as they have some motor problem with one of their two Humvees, the dominicus sets. Still, later some scare, they get to the infirmary, where they go spelunking into the hospital, at night. They find the antibiotics they're after, while moving out the heroine goes off on her own to her old lab to collect some photographs, gets a fleck ambushed, shoots a bit so every other "rotter" at present knows they're at that place, and of course they loose somebody. Too, they import the heroines one-time stalker (under a machine, considering they didn't check), which now stalks everyone in their previously safe bunker. If there'southward something suspicious going on, similar noises in the assist ducts or blood dripping from somewhere, of form you're going to investigate it, alone, without anyone else even knowing where you are. Afterwards capturing the stalker, nobody is looking for several missing people the stalker already got before. Collecting other rotters for comparative samples is of form also something you lot do best at night. And then y'all realize that one person simply is non heavy enough to hold a fence gate against 30 rotters...

It's a massacre.

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1 /10

Zombies all of a sudden geniuses and stalker

The movie started out so then.

What totally made me recall this is crap is when they all all of a sudden made the zombies clever. The one zombie is now a stalker and only goes after the specific woman. Its like a serial killer/rapist stalker movie only using a zombie do it.

They could not make upward their minds if they wanted to make a zombie movie or serial killer thriller.

Zombie carrying a grudge and angry after seeing the woman he is after kissing her boyfriend. I mean come on, really.

Zombies is supposed to be brain dead and just desire to eat the living, in older movies zombies were boring as well, at present they break records running sprints here. Just i can still alive with that, but not the genius stalker series killer zombie.

The rest got spoiled by bad acting and sloppy camera work.

Not a skillful movie at all. Practice not waste matter your fourth dimension.

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iii /10

It may be bad just at least it's only ninety minutes long.

There is absolutely nothing new or interesting to be found in this budget zombie flick.

The story is fine I guess, but the screenplay that tells that story isn't, it'south total of poorly written characters in cliched situations full of worn out horror tropes that you've seen 100 times before and washed 100 times improve.

The acting swings wildly between simply OK, awkward, and completely terrible. Some of the actors deliver their lines as if punctuation is a foreign concept to them, there's no pauses or natural flow to the monotone words falling from their mouths. The lead actress does a few voiceovers throughout the film that are delivered so poorly that it sounded like she was reading them for the first time every bit they recorded her.

When it comes to direction and camera work the activeness is your typical low upkeep handheld shaky cam style, information technology'southward functional, it does the job and that's about information technology. At that place's nada special or inspired, no shots that make y'all sit up and take notice. Any young aspiring directors out there aren't going to be rushing out to re-create this directors style, if y'all tin call uninspired and forgettable a style. I will say that the practical zombie and gore effects are well done, though variety when information technology came to how things died would accept been nice instead of merely zombie death = headshot and human death = bite on neck from zombie.

In the end this is a very mediocre horror moving-picture show full of poorly written cliched characters portrayed past more often than not terrible actors, the various situations they find themselves in have zero tension because the script is so uninspired and predictable that you always know what'south coming side by side. If you're like me you'll be rooting for the zombies after the beginning x minutes.

I requite it three/ten

You lot don't demand a lot of money to make a peachy zombie type flick, all yous demand is a adept script and a passionate director with a vision, for proof of this go watch The Girl With All The Gifts or 28 Days Afterward that both had like budgets to this film.

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5 /x

Solar day of the Dead Bloodline: Another failed remake

Day Of The Expressionless (1985) has held its footing as one of the greatest zombie movies e'er made and one of the jewels on the crown of the true king of zombie movies George Romero.

When information technology was remade dorsum in 2008 starring Mena Suvari it understandably flopped, it had large boots to fill up and failed spectacularly. For any reason ten years later in what is already shaping upward to be i of the worst years in movie history they decided to remake it again.

Bloodline is exactly that, it's not just a cashgrab attempting to alive off the originals name it is in fact an effort at a remake. Sadly yet they decided to change a keen deal and that doesn't sit down right with me.

It follows our heroine equally she lives in the military bunker alongside civilians and soldiers alike. The soldiers vs scientists dynamic that made the original so memorable has been removed altogether.

They have a Bub like character, but he is an abusive stalker of our leading lady and is smarter than the residue of the zombies. Relentlessly pursuing her which is interesting just but not Solar day Of The Dead.

Though I don't remember this is bad information technology certainly isn't good either. It's an offensively junior remake of a movie that needs to be left the hell solitary. All the changes to the plot accept done it no favours, the pacing is dreadful, the characters are interchangeable and the "Bloodline" thing is pointlessly tacked on.

The Good:

Couple of nice nods to the original

Looks better than you'd await

The Bad:

Instantly forgettable characters

Awful pacing

Merely shouldn't be

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Existence bitten by a zombie will crusade a mini explosion which sprays blood upwards of ten feet

During the zombie apocalypse while seeing people existence ripped apart and while surrounded by zombies information technology'due south all-time to accept a leisurely walk through the middle of it all and have a telephone conversation

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2 /10

George Romero would exist spinning in his grave!

Alert: Spoilers

I love zombie movies..aged thirteen when Dawn Of The Dead came out it changed my life. I stopped counting how many times I watched the Romero classic after information technology reached 350..(I know that is hard to believe). When Day Of The Dead arrived I was old enough to see information technology in a cinema..and I loved it. WHY would anyone attempt a remake is across me..there was a crap attempt at a remake over ten years ago and at present this. Another crap 1. Due to The Walking Dead and the pure genius of Nicotero most zombie attempts these days seem insignificant and poor, Day Of The Expressionless Bloodline is one of these films where I question..what a waste of money, when finished existence made did those involved feel proud of their garbage? This remake has much swiped from Romero'due south original..instead of Bub nosotros take Max..a semi homo zombie who seems to be a fleck of a perverted stalker. Everyone..scientists, military and civilians are all in a bunker. I forced myself to complete the viewing. The 2 stars is for the make-upwards effects which are quite good..however on a final note I tin can't stand fast running zombies. It works in 28 Days After considering we are dealing with a virus rather than reanimated corpses. The simply person I believe could remake Day Of The Expressionless and succeed would be Grieg Nicotero. The undead should accept a green, rotting shambling look to them. Anyway watch Day Of The Dead Bloodline at your ain peril. But I propose you watch Romero's original AGAIN is a more valuable way to spend your fourth dimension.

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This is shit

I gave this picture show a hazard on Netflix afterward discovering information technology on DVD at Wal-Mart. I listened to my wife and streamed it. I am a lifelong zombie horror fan. I own any and every imaginable zombie motion picture you can call back of that is worth owning and have given a chance to quite a few that I have not bought.

I am praising the gods today for my wife being with me at Wal-Mart that day and telling me to hold off on ownership this. If at that place is a rating less than B-rated, this moving picture is not on that scale. It is without words the biggest crock of garbage I ever watched.

Beginning of all, permit'southward talk about the acting. How dare y'all put the holy name of "Day of thr Expressionless" on this and sully the proper noun of George A. Romero! This is a travesty and an insult to his legacy. The acting is terrible, even past zombie film standards.

Now, practice not get me incorrect, merely on paper the story was interesting, only come up on man! "Miguel" was a trainwreck from his first advent. These jackoffs basically attempted to combine the cowardly Miguel Salazar with the jerk Captain Rhodes. It didn't work. Oh, and we gave him a brother! Hot damn, a zombie apocalypse is fun for the whole damn family unit!

I am fairly certain that the studio responsible is shitting themselves now every bit they realize they wasted $8 million on a budget for this shit heep. For $8 million, I could write, directly and produce a zombie moving picture that would make the almighty George grinning and corroborate. And I can discover better actors AND hire a special effects team that knows how the man anatomy works!

Recommendation(south): DO Not Lookout IF YOU'RE A TRUE ZOMBIE HORROR FAN!

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4 /10

So So in Zombieland

Twenty-four hours of the Expressionless: Bloodline is not the most bad zombie movie on earth but it is also not a good one. At that place are adept remakes of Romero's work: Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead (2004) is an excellent i and Eisner's The Crazies (2010) is good/okay.

Mean solar day of the Dead was already redone past Steve Miner in 2008 and as information technology wasn't a total failure its "quality" reminds me a lot of Day of the Expressionless: Bloodline - the production value and effects are good and far better than all those zombie flicks done by some buddies or students of filmmaking but the storytelling and acting is, permit'south say, improvable.

In my opinion 24-hour interval of the Dead of Romero got some issues also (the interim, well, improvable) simply information technology got an excellent temper or feeling, claustrophobic and dark. Also in 1 point Romero did a far better job - at that place are no filling scenes, the tempo, everything is raw to the bone and therefore I never felt bored, stretched or something. I could imagine myself in that bunker, surrounded by the dead, wondering how that would be, what I would do etc. pp. (back then I was too young only I all the same managed to sneak into the movie theater). Bloodline does not in any sense give me that kind of "experience" at all.

Bloodline follows just loosely the ideas/story of the original. My question here: why call it and so Day of the Dead at all!?

Final words: Bloodline's story is standard, predictable, a little boring, and there is no actor on lath who did inspire any real empathy on my side.

Well, if you are an addict of all zombie related (like I am), you may dare to watch.

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one /10

Terrible Acting, Terrible Plot, Terrible Characters

Just all around a dreadful occurrence in motion-picture show history.

The main protagonist checks all the boxes on the "impaired things to practice in an apocalypse" checklist. Add to that the massive plot holes and bad acting and you get a recipe for failure.

While the chief character is the absolute repository for bad ideas y'all'd exist amazed at how stupid the other characters can be, information technology's every bit though they all desire to die. For example in one scene zombies flood into the area, this is followed by 1 of the characters running TOWARD AND Past the horde of zombies, followed immediately by the protagonist. Naturally these mankind hungry zombies let both individuals laissez passer without impairment subsequently all we're watching a terrible pic.

All of this hullabaloo because she needs a zombie alive. Post-obit this massive plot hole what does she practise? She kills the one she wanted alive.

This movie is garbage don't carp watching it, I'd watch a 100 hour marathon of The Wiggles earlier I watched this over again.

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1 /10

This is to Romero's originals what canned spaghetti is to authentic Italian pasta

.. that is to say, tastless rubbish.

I love the horror genre, and peculiarly the classics and those movies with fresh new ideas. This one? Sigh. Information technology's formulaic, follows a standard graphic symbol contour (the army guys, the cranky leader, the gormless younger blood brother, the driven med student/female person love interest...) with predictable plot points throughout, and what must surely be the most stupid characters in the history of horror movie theatre. I mean, this goes mode WAY beyond "heard a noise in the dark basement, goes to investigate" kind of stupid. And don't fifty-fifty become me started on the ultra cheesy ending... this movie really should come up with vomit numberless. Truly.

When your entire storyline would have been negated by even one sensible/logical choice at some signal, there'southward something very wrong.

This stinker is all-time avoided; if you can't, and so try to find the sense of humor in it like some other reviewers did - that'll assist you get through without fierce your hair out!

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5 /x

Needless, simply not quite as bad equally expected

Warning: Spoilers

DAY OF THE DEAD: BLOODLINE is the latest endeavor to breathe new life into the undead works of the late George Romero. Information technology'south some other remake of his classic Twenty-four hour period OF THE DEAD, one which I institute preferable to the dreadful 2008 adaptation with Mena Suvari. At least this one resembles the Romero film a fiddling, with an secret bunker, impaired soldiers, and a semi-tame zombie. The picture is littered with the pitfalls of the modernistic-day B-movie, from bland attractive immature cast members to poor management, but the zombies are suitably gruesome and the zombie attack scenes make yous bound, with loud sound effects and a whole load of neck-biting and claret-spraying. It'southward not frightening, exactly, merely it is jumpy and a footling suspenseful at times. I should note that I've seen a ton of low budget zombie movies in recent years, some of them indies, so BLOODLINE looks good by comparison with those.

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2 /10


I was into zombie movies Before zombie movies became cool again (some fourth dimension in the early 2000s I believe when 'Resident Evil' appeared on the big screen. Therefore George Romero's 1985 film 'Solar day of the Dead' (or rather sequel to ii classics - 'Nighttime of the Living Dead' and 'Dawn of the Dead') was a existent favourite of mine.

In fact (and don't hate me for this!) even though 'Mean solar day' wasn't quite too-received as its ii predecessors, I actually liked it the nigh. I loved its darkness, sheer terrifying claustrophobic nature, cast, gore - in fact, everything nearly it. Now, skip frontward a couple of decades where I'm allowed to browse the internet and I notice out that - for some reason - the actual TITLE of the film, i.due east. 'Twenty-four hour period of the Dead' was never copyrighted (or something). This meant that, if I so wished, could brand my own version of the flick (maybe with some sort of addition-tagline just to comprehend myself) and not get sued. This went some way to explain 2005'southward 'Day of the Dead: Contagium' (don't watch it - trust me!). And possible 2008'due south remake of 'Day of the Dead' which dislocated many into thinking it was a sequel to the (quite excellent) 2005 remake of 'Dawn of the Dead.'

I don't know why I watched 'Bloodline.' Maybe it'south because 'The Walking Dead' is currently between seasons, or because 'Bloodlines' is on Netflix. Either mode... I wish I hadn't. Although, like whatsoever expert auto crash, I couldn't turn it off.

'Day of the Dead: Bloodlines' has some of the worst acting I've ever seen. It also has some of the most obvious sets I've e'er seen. The gore is okay, but as well over-the-top for a film that's non supposed to be a 'comedy-horror' and the characters are more one-dimensional than your average daytime soap opera. So why did I keep to watch it? Peradventure because I couldn't believe that someone was not simply content with ripping off the 'Day of the Dead' championship, but they've basically remade the original moving picture... merely much worse.

Most of the original characters have been 'updated' (whatsoever by 'updated' I mean turned completely one-dimensional past 2d-rate actors), although a few names have been changed and/or applied to dissimilar characters. They've taken the setting, the characters, recreated the location (albeit desperately in a set, rather than a real underground missile silo) and palmed it off every bit some sort of update. And - surprise, surprise - information technology doesn't piece of work. They've fifty-fifty turned 'Bub' (aka the slightly more intelligent zombie from the 1985 version) into a slimy stalker, although, in the actor's defence, he'southward probably the best role player in this remake.

If y'all similar zombie movies - great. Simply watch a different ane, every bit you're bound to accept a few in your drove. Just because this is 'free' on Netflix, doesn't mean yous should waste matter your fourth dimension on it. It really is that bad. 'The Walking Dead' will be dorsum soon plenty. Even if you lot recollect the TV testify is getting dried, it's nonetheless head and shoulders over this garbage.

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1 /x


I am getting sick, really sick, of these hacks "remaking" classic horror movies. This is a theft of a proper name/brand. This is non even a zombie movie. Its a total mess and a joke. Zombies aren't stalkers. Claret does not spray out of a humans body like a burn down hose. With the upkeep they had for this, they could have at least found some people who could human activity their way out of a moisture newspaper pocketbook. They failed. Even DOTD 2 Contagium was better written and acted, and my dog could crap out a better picture than that turd.

I wanted the principal girl to die within xxx seconds of seeing her grapheme on screen. She acquired the decease of about every character by her stupidity. But hey, all she had to exercise was take some blood from her stalker zombie ex-patient, who tracked her down from the smell of her panties, and she saved civilisation. Great writing.

DO Not Waste matter YOUR TIME ON THIS PIECE OF CRAP! 'nuff said

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3 /10

Solar day of the Dead: Bloody Lame.

George Romero pretty much screwed up the 'Living Dead' franchise with everything from Land of the Expressionless (2005) onwards, just it was his to ruin. Director Hèctor Hernández Vicens, on the other hand, has no place in making such a travesty as this 'Bold New Vision' of Romero'south classic Day of the Dead (1985). An insult to the original in almost every way imaginable, Bloodline will give zombie fans nightmares, merely for all the wrong reasons.

First off, the undead in this flick are referred to as 'rotters', which makes them audio like something out of a Billy Bunter comic strip. And if you lot thought that the vegetarian zombie in Steve Miner's Mean solar day of the Dead (2008) was a dumb idea, wait until you lot get a load of Max (Johnathon Schaech), who is conspicuously intended to exist the equivalent of Bub from Romero'south movie, a zombie with the ability to reason. Max is a stealth zombie, able to sneak into the armed forces base of operations by hanging onto the underside of a vehicle, and so slope off into the main edifice where he crawls through the air ducts. He's a stalker also, following pretty doc Zoe Parker (Sophie Skelton), the bailiwick of his obsession before he was 'turned', using his amazing tracking skills. On acme of all that, he can talk too. I bet if someone passed him a few oranges, he could juggle also.

The other zombies are of the running kind that roar similar a T-King.

The humans are every bit as irritating. Zoe might accept good intentions, trying to create a vaccine to the zombie virus, only her reckless behaviour endangers all those effectually her, and ultimately costs the lives of nigh all of those in the army camp. The bad guy, Miguel (Jeff Mucilage), is a pale imitation of Captain Rhodes from Romero'southward film, and Zoe'due south love interest Baca (Marcus Vanco) is just pretty-boy centre candy for the ladies. In that location's even a cute child in the form of Lily (Lillian Blankenship), who Zoe risks all to relieve (certainly, many die so that she tin can live).

I approximate what this movie conspicuously illustrates is just how neat Romero was in his prime: his first 3 zombie films still stand up as iii of the best the genre has to offer, even after all of these years.

3/10, purely for the gore.

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1 /ten

A Complete Insult to Its Namesake

Alarm: Spoilers

And then imagine, if you will...

* The worst of the worst interim you've seen from SyFy Channel original movies * The worst of the wrost interim you've seen from Lifetime movies (my wife watches them all the time so sadly, I'm well experienced) * That awkward friend yous had back in your college days that fancied himself an indie filmmaker whose films were far too blench-worthy and embarrassing to really express mirth at.

Add them all together...and the acting in this film is all the same WORSE.

Between the lead actress over-enunciating every spoken discussion, to the completely insulting-to-your-intelligence and sophomoric dialogue between characters, this film is a blench-fest from outset to end. Gore effects look like they were made from Campbell'south vegetable soup, and zombie makeup, while at some points relatively proficient, still tend to barely be above apprentice.

As is typical with modern zombie movies, these aren't Romero shamblers (despite the semi-related title). These are World War Z style super mutants capable of Olympic Athlete levels of gymnastics, superhuman running speed and Herculean strength. When the "Bub" zombie manages to infiltrate the military base, the lone zombie somehow manages to outsmart and outmaneuver an unabridged contingent of soldiers, stealthily picking off people of the base of operations one by one without a unmarried person catching on...despite how much noise he makes, gore he leaves behind, and how bad he must know, beingness a zombie and all.

The Captain Rhodes-esque grapheme is then hammed upwardly he makes Spam await like Easter Sunday Honey Broiled Ham, with some of the worst dialogue of any grapheme (even worse than my terrible puns). Other villainous characters are typical b-movie lackey types.

The main character, a combination of Sarah and Dr. Logan from Solar day of the Dead, looks like a less-bloated Rhonda Rousey, with probably comparable or even worse acting skill. And once more...that over enunciation remains irritating throughout the moving-picture show. Perchance it's a credit to her speaking ability, but the hard enunciation of each and every contained syllable in a word makes her sound similar a robot attempting to mimic human speech patterns.

Past the halfway point, the movie starts to emulate the original with similar plot points, but ultimately fails to be equally captivating as the original, which in the eyes of many is the definitive Romero zombie films, if not the original Dawn.

Ultimately, it'due south a poor try to remake a classic moving-picture show in the genre, and is the Tertiary remake of 24-hour interval of the Dead since 2005.

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2 /10

Mary Sue Zombie Doctor vs Max Zombie Ninja

Warning: Spoilers

And so much scientific gibberish thrown around in this, that you could believe Denise Richards was really a nuclear scientist. The military machine guy in charge was past far the only 1 that made sense. Zoe should've bit the dust within the offset 10 minutes of this hot mess.

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